"The vestry is the legal representative of the parish with regard to all matters pertaining to its corporate property. The number of vestry members and the term of office varies from parish to parish. Vestry members are usually elected at the annual parish meeting. There are usually two wardens. The senior warden leads the parish between rectors and is a support person for the rector. The junior warden often has responsibility for church property and buildings. A treasurer and a secretary or clerk may be chosen; these officers may or may not be vestry members. The basic responsibilities of the vestry are to help define and articulate the mission of the congregation; to support the church's mission by word and deed, to select the rector, to ensure effective organization and planning, and to manage resources and finances."

—As defined in “An Episcopal Dictionary of the Church, A User Friendly Reference for Episcopalians"

2024 Vestry

front row: Alexandra Rustan, Rev. Jo-Ann Murphy, Emily Lehner, Joyce Honderich, Eleana Boyer, Br. John-Richard Pagan. back row: George Grover, Steven Daniels, Amanda Venezia, Winnie Gilmore, Shana Semler not pictured: Athena Duvernay


The Rev. Jo-Ann R. Murphy, D.Min. - Priest-in-Charge

Joy Warburton - Seminarian

Stephen Daniels - Senior Warden

Br. John-Richard Pagan - Junior Warden Adult Formation Chair

Eleana Boyer - Youth Ministry / Senior Warden Mentor

Athena Duvernay - Communications

Winnie Gilmore - Finance

George Grover - Membership

Joyce Honderich - Finance

Emily Lehner - Fellowship

Alexandra Rustan - Outreach

Amanda Venezia - Buildings & Grounds


Shana Semler - Register (non vestry position)

Brad Martin - Treasurer (non vestry position)

Ranelle Nadeau - Pledge Records Secretary (non vestry position)

Winnie Gilmore - Delegate (non vestry position)

George Grover - Alternate Delegate (non vestry position)

2023 Vestry Shepherd List: *Please see the parish online directory for vestry member contact information*

 Vestry Member Parishioner’s Last Name

John-Richard Pagan            B-Con

Eleana Boyer                        Cot-D

Chris Hempel                       H-Ja

Michael Watts Jo-Mar

Emily Lehner                      Ma-Pa

Athena Duvernay Pen-Rug

George Grover Rus-Th

Alexandra Rustan E-G and Ti-Z

The Vestry as a body, shall:

1. Be elected for a term of three years by the congregation at its annual meeting. Vestry vacancies that occur unexpectedly may be filled by Vestry election of eligible communicants to serve until the next annual meeting.

2. Elect a Rector.

3. Elect from within its ranks a Senior Warden and Junior Warden.

4. Appoint church officers, i.e., Trustees, Register, Treasurer and Pledge Records Secretary who may, but need not be, members of the Vestry. The latter two officers may designate assistants subject to the concurrence of the Vestry.

5. Elect from among the communicants in good standing of the church, Delegates and Alternates to the Diocesan and Regional Councils in the number provided by canon.

6. Establish priorities and plan, develop and execute programs for the temporal and spiritual welfare of the church. The primary means of program execution shall be through empowerment of Vestry members with guidance and oversight responsibilities for each committee. When circumstances so dictate and the Rector and Vestry concur, a Vestry person may be appointed as co-chair of a committee chaired by another church member.

7. Approve an annual operating budget and monitor its execution to ensure fiscal responsibility by all committees. Ensure that an annual audit is conducted on the financial records of the church. Ensure that all salaries, benefits, and all other financial obligations are paid punctually. Accept or reject all special gifts and memorials to the church.

8. Make and execute all contracts for erecting, furnishing, preserving and insuring the church edifice and other property.

9. Meet on a regular basis, at least monthly.